October 26, 2012

Cheap Treasures

I stopped by a second hand furniture store and bought this bamboo box for $1. Just cannot believe it!

$2 vase!


  1. What a wonderful box! Better yet is the price tag!! :) Don't you love a good bargain??

  2. Gorgeous find, Yunyi...what are you going to put in the box?

  3. @melody, actually there was no bargain at all. this store sell things cheap! i bought many items for several dollars. actually i bought a vase that is extremely beautiful for only $2. i will put it up later.

  4. Kris, i have nothing to put in. but it was put onto my treasure shelf.

  5. Both very beautiful, yunyi. Are you a collector of exquisite things?

  6. np, i do this kind of things just spontaneously. this shop is only a mile from where i live, they sell things so cheap and you are not going to believe it. i bought wooden chairs and wooden small cabinets and each of them only cost me $6 or under. so sometime i hang around a little more and found they also have many little things for little money. i almost feel they did not sell for right price sometime. good for me though:-)

  7. Yun Yi, I really love the vase and it's so cheap. It's nice when you don't have to break the bank to buy something.

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