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For me, Tiger Woods is perfectly normal, just like everybody else, and Michael Jackson was abnormal but not necessarily guilty as pedophile. But it seems that most people don't take it this way.
While so many normal people addict into sex everyday, they demand a role model such as Tiger Woods to be abnormal--- to show the world that our human being does have hope to put our animal sides under control. Of course their attempt fell flat. And a label “sex addiction” "scientifically" proved the "guilt" of Tiger Woods. As a result, all other “normal” people are still safe to have as much sex as they want, free from people’s judgment and “diagnoses” of psychologists.
On the other hand, while people frenziedly demand someone’s “abnormality” for some reasons, they showed no tolerance for true “abnormality” --- “difference” or “complex” in my own dictionary --- such as Michael Jackson. I believe that the reason most people were so sure about Michael Jackson’s guilt is only because for people THEMSELVES, to engage in sexual behaviors with children is the only reason for them to sleep with children in the same bed. But they forgot that while something is true for most people, DOES NOT mean it’s true for EVERYBODY.
Yes, people are complicated.