January 6, 2012

Is God Omnipotently Forgiving?

English: Christus Pantocrator in the apsis of ...
Image via Wikipedia
Someone claims that God is omnipotently forgiving. One of the evidence of this forgiveness is that a murderer like David was chosen to be King of Israel. No, I do not believe that. I think "God" is just an excuse of humans' behaviors - when we need forgiveness, he "forgives" (otherwise how could we explain David was a King?); when we need to be judgmental, he judges (such as homosexuals, heretics, witches, scientists)!

No, I don't believe a murderer is forgivable, unless this murderer did something to compensate his/her crime. Otherwise, how dare are we have legal system to punish those who even God forgive?


  1. Forgiveness and consequences are different, I think. For example, I may push my sister into the fire. She may forgive me, but I will live with the consequences (as will she) of her injuries. Or I may steal from you and you may forgive me, but I must bear the consequence and also the punishment due my crime. Or I may sin against God - He forgives, but I live with the results of my behaviour. Am I making sense? The forgiveness principle at work with God is that He forgives, not because the guilty one is worthy, but because Jesus took the consequences of all our sin upon Himself when He was tortured to death on the cross. My job is to appropriate what has already been done on my behalf. Many murderers or thieves or rapists will never appropriate that forgiveness, and will be punished accordingly. My sins have been already paid for - this is why I serve Jesus - not to follow rules or codes, but to please the One who has done so much for me! I am loving the way your heart comes through in your posts. You honestly express what many of us feel.

  2. thanks melody for your deep insight on this subject. as you can see, i wrote quite several posts regarding this issue, really because i think a lot about this.
    different from christians' view, i tend to believe we are mostly born innocent. we should forgive ourselves' mistakes, imperfections, even offenses we did upon others. of course the last one is conditional, i believe if we offended others, because as you said, we produced "consequence". so we should repent, do our best to reduce the pain of others. after all these done, i think we should forgive ourselves and move onto new life.

  3. I think a lot about forgiveness, too. anyone who has been abused must. I struggle at times with the thought that evil people walk around free while I suffer and pay the consequences! It is unfair and unjust! It is a good daily reminder to act and behave toward others as I would like to be treated. And after our deep issues are dealt with, then yes, moving on is by far the best thing. But those painful memories and the hurt inflicted must be dealt with. This is where I am - learning to deal appropriately with what has been done to me. We have much more in common than I thought!

  4. melody, don't know if you have read a book "toxic parents" by susan forward, it helped better than anything else!
    i think, all victims may have different way to get out, but one thing should be clear, that is no matter what victims do, victims better not to concern about hurting offenders, instead, victims' own good should always on the top priority.
    thanks melody!

  5. Well put, Melody. But your comments leave me with an ongoing question: Why was it necessary for Christ to die for our sins?

    Why can't we just forgive ourselves and ask for forgiveness from God? I see no need for Jesus' sacrifice.

  6. Paschno,
    Good question! I feel the same way.
